• Proudly 100% Australian made

  • 100% plant and earth based ingredients

  • Ethically sourced and biodegradable

  • Absolutely NO sugar!

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  • An animated 2d drawing of a dairy cow

    5 x the iron of beef

  • 2d drawing of blueberries

    40 x the antioxidants of blueberries

  • 2d drawing of cup of milk

    More calcium than cows milk

  • simple drawing of lentils

    2 x the protein of lentils

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Cacao (Ka-kow), is the less processed form of cocoa, the primary ingredient in chocolate. In today's world, it is often roasted, mixed with sugar and served in a million different shapes and styles.

One of those styles is Hot Chocolate, often full of sugar and more of a sweet children's drink that is topped with whipped cream and served with marshmallows... not very healthy.

Before it was turned into candy, Cacao was known for it's traditional medicinal properties as it is extremely high in nutritional value. It was literally referred to as The Food of the Gods.

Our Cacao takes chocolate back to it's healthy and nutritious roots by combining additional superfoods, enhancing the flavour and maximising the goodness in each cup without the added sugar.

Bag of quantum cacao in the outdoors

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A young couple in front of great view

Meet the Makers

Cacao is a superfood known for it's extremely high nutritional content and value. It is packed full of goodness and opens the heart, heightens meditation, raises your natural vibration and enhances your energy. The quantum realm is everywhere and underlies the fabric of our reality. It is the point where science and mysticism meet, the space between the atoms that make up our physical form. We decided to gift the world with our Quantum Cacao as we believe...

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We've partnered with Ecologi

Rest easy knowing that every order you make is contributing to global reforestation projects!